Are you in need of money? Do you lack a legal way of making your own money? Then this article is targeted for you! Read through this article and you will get enough ways to make your own money. some of the methods included here  will give you fast cash, while others will take time to earn you money. Remember that making money is not easy and it is a life time process so which ever method you choose from the article bellow be patient and persistent and I’m sure you will eventually make it. Also in the comment box after the article do not forget to add other methods of making money which might have been left from the list. I wish you LUCK.

Start a business doing what you love

If you have ever wanted to start a business, here is a truly great course to help you get started.  It isn’t free, but I went through it and could not believe how thorough of a step-by-step the course is.  It is packed with very detailed tips, tricks, and suggestions on exactly what you need to do to start a business and start making money.

Build Websites For Others

I can’t tell you how many people have asked me to build them a website since I started this one a couple years ago. I am not seeking the work and people are requesting it, so if you do a little legwork and pursue small business owners, there is a lot of work available. Teens might be great for this, because they would be able to work for less than some higher end website developers, which would put them in the price range that it seems many small businesses are looking to spend.
Freelance Write
As they say on the web “content is king” and everyone wants it. Places like Elance or Odesk have thousands of different job openings available for freelance writers.

Sell your closet (without Ebay or a Garage Sale)

If you are anything like my wife, you have a closet full of old clothes that you don’t wear any more. You can easily sell them on a site like OLX.

Get paid to Tweet

Did you know that advertisers will pay you to send out tweets about their products?As you could imagine the bigger your audience the more you will get paid.

Create Facebook Graphics or Pages

or Twitter backgrounds for that matter.
Lots of small business owners are needing help making their online presence not so lame.  If you have even the smallest amount of graphic design skill you can help some of them!
Just set up a simple site to sell your work, get a paypal “buy it now link” and you are off and running.

Buy and Sell cars for profit

If you love cars and aren’t afraid to haggle, you could start a car flipping biz. We have a friend of the family who has done this for years. He scours the classified listings for deals, lands a good deal and then drives the car while trying to sell it for a couple grand more. Sometimes he sells them quickly, sometimes it takes a little longer, but he gets to drives lots of cars (which he loves) and makes a nice side income as well.


Two years ago I wasn’t sure if there was money to be made blogging, but I have since found it to work out nicely. It isn’t something that will provide much income quickly, but if you stick at it, it can. Since I have been a full-time blogger for many years now, I wrote extensively about how to make money from a blog for those who are interested in this type of thing.

Social Marketing Consultant

Many companies are looking for qualified candidates who know the ins and outs of Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter to help them with their social marketing efforts.

Sell articles

Following in that same vein, you can sell articles you write at places like;kenyayote

Sell Digital Photos

Making money as a photographer has become easier over the last decade. There are now lots of sites looking to buy digital photos:

Design Web Logos

If you have a flair for design, it may be worth trying to make some money designing logos for small business or blogs.

Get paid from your iPhone (smartphone)

There seem to be some apps popping up that pay you to do simple stuff like take a picture of a menu, or of yourself drinking a starbucks, or verifying that a road is closed – you get the picture. Here are a few that I found:


Gigwalk is a fairly new iPhone app that offers payment for completing simple tasks based on your location.
For example users earn by taking pictures of a restaurant’s menu, verifying roadblocks and signage, and other simple tasks.
If you are in a big city (which typically has more opportunities) there is some decent potential with this one.

Take online surveys

I am not particularly fond of the whole online survey thing since I had a bad experience using CashCrate.
But there are lots of online survey sites and people who do it successfully. Here are a few if you want to investigate it further:
I recommend proceeding with caution and definitely not paying anything to join.


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